The Art of Theft

The Art of Theft 1.0

Imagen The Art of Theft 1.0
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Total votes: 2 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "He gets to steal the biggest loot as a thief"

The Art of Theft is the perfect combination of a platform game and intelligence.

With this game, we will put ourselves in the skin of Trillby, a thief whose only objective is to get the largest amount of booty generating the least possible damage to the rest, for it, we will have a series of skills that we will acquire throughout the game as we go for the walls or roll

The performance is also valued, so we have to take care of the details and differentiate ourselves from the thieves chapuzas. It is important to be attentive to the sensors, the guards and even sleeping people that we will meet.

A very fun game for the whole family, where we will have a good time, plus you can play on any computer.

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Images of The Art of Theft

The Art of Theft - Image 1 The Art of Theft - Image 2 The Art of Theft - Image 3